Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Drip, Drip, Drip

Dear Santa,

If it's not too much...I'd love a new kitchen faucet for Christmas. Over the last several months, I've been having some sink problems. Bryan keeps saying it's maybe fixable - but, I don't think so. This is how I've been living:

Santa, in case you didn't notice - yep, that's a towel behind the faucet...soaking up water. If it was under the sink - I could forget about it...until mold started growing, etc. But...this is right out there in the open for all to see. I should turn the towel into an art piece. Hmm. That's an idea. Sorry, Santa...I digress.

If you do bring me a faucet - I guarantee you I have the perfect person to install it...my lovely, however manly brother-in-law, Brett. Lucky for me I have a BIL that is a plumber/bff. Well, lucky for me...not so lucky for him. Sheesh, I digress again...sorry.

Thanks Santa. Just a reminder...I've been really good this year.


Dawnny Marie Campbell

p.s. I'll make you extra special cookies...just in case.


bryan said...

I love the towel! It brings back memories of when I was a child and all the ways my Dad use to fix stuff. Example #1: Towel behind and in the toilet tank to allow for the flapper to close properly. Example #2: Tube sock rolled up and wedged behind the radio in the Plymouth to prevent a rattle.

Like father like son!

Karen said...


I think Bryan is right. Necessity is the mother of invention. He has learned to work around a problem. I applaud him, although I do agree that Brett is the best plumber in the world. He was our saviour last Christmas when he installed the hot water heater that decided to break at 1:00 am Christmas morning.