Sunday, December 7, 2008

Don't Ya Just Hate to Spend $$$ On...

Top 10 Things I Hate to Spend $$$ On

10. Dental Work: Me = No problems. Bryan = Disaster. Bryan seems to have the worst luck with his teeth. Every trip to the dentist costs us at least $300. It must have to do with his childhood dentist....everyone in Bryan's family has the same problems!

9. Tires: You can't just get one. When you need them, you need them.'s not just a $100 day - it's anywhere from $500 (cheapo's) to $900. Ahhhhhh!! Makes me scream!

8. Insurance: How does my insurance really keep going up and up and up - and I feel like my coverage keeps getting worse and worse and worse.

7. Fuel: Well...this one is getting much better, today I paid just $29 vs. $79 just 2 months ago. Ashley says - "just keep reminding yourself how much you used to pay."

6. Checked Bags: WHAT??? Crazy, I know!! First they take away movies, music and food (not that it was all that good anyway) and now we have to pay extra to check our bags. Gimme a break - can you say RIDICULOUS?

5. Social Security: Call me selfish - but, I continue to see $$$ after $$$ coming out of my paycheck that I am pretty sure I will never see in return. In fact, just today I got my SS statement in the mail...and it said just that!

4. ATM Fees: I know - I know, it's not that much, right? But - I hate seeing that $1, or $2, or now even $3 taken from my account just because I go to a different ATM. Not to mention there are times when I'm double charged by my own bank. It adds up - and FAST!

3. Parking: Isn't it enough that we are forking out $$$ already to either eat, sleep, work, or play at your establishment and you have the audacity to want to charge me to park? - I THINK NOT! (However, I am partial to mall valets on a busy shopping day.)

2. Water at Softball Games: It's Arizona - home of 100 straight days of 100 degrees or higher. I think it's in your best interest to provide water. Can you say lawsuit?

1. Infertility: Okay, Okay - before you freak out that I put this down...I'd spend a million dollars if I had to (and I pretty much did...well, not a million, but a lot). But, isn't reproduction one of our basic human rights? I see infertility as a disease. My insurance pays for alcohol treatment, cancer treatment, diabetic treatment...the list goes on and on, but, somehow they refuse to budge on infertility treatments. My only guess is that pregnancy is seen as cosmetic, kind of like fake boobs? Because otherwise, I just can't understand why they won't cover a treatment that they know and studies show has a very good chance to help me and many others that deal with my same struggles. Do you know that once I was pregnant with each of the cuties that my insurance wouldn't even pay for my extra progesterone that I had to take to maintain the pregnancy? Without it - my body didn't make enough and very likely could have resulted in miscarriages. But, I guess the insurance doesn't care. I digress. Anyways - I don't like to HAVE to pay for this, but I'd do it a million times over again. Sheesh. I'm done now.

What do you hate spending $$$ on?

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