Friday, December 19, 2008


Everyone knows that Bryan loooooooves Dunkin Donuts. These tiny little donuts heavens seem to be popping up around the valley...and Bryan could not be more excited.

2 nights ago, Bryan made a quick stop with Brady at Home Depot for me. I needed him to pick up something for my "craft Christmas phase." (Because apparently I decided to make a couple of gifts for Christmas...I love homemade gifts...but, I have only this year decided to partake.)

Bryan and Brady came home with excitement in their eyes. A Dunkin Donuts just opened right next to Home Depot - woo hoo!! - they were excited.

This morning at 9:30am - this is what our house looked like as the boys "ran" to DD for some munchkins...

This morning at 10:56am - this is what our house looked like as Lily ran around with the DD munchkin box...
And...yes, she's wearing shoes...and yes, the sheets are off for cleaning...and yes, there's a pile of cars STILL waiting to be picked up.

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