Friday, November 12, 2010

Thankful for Fridays - Day 2

Fridays are my favorite day. You see - I work 4 - 10 hour shifts, Monday-Thursday. Friday is the start to my 3-day weekend.

Fridays can be busy. Some Fridays are deemed the preparation day. They are the day that I lug Lil and Charlotte around town buying birthday presents for the weekend, or outfits for pictures, or the grocery store for weekend potluck items. They are often the day that I deem the prep day for the next week's activities.

Fridays can be lazy. Some many Fridays include Lil, Charlotte, and Me lounging around in our jammies all day - Playing, coloring, watching movies the entire day. Well...until 2-ish when I have to quickly shower to then speed up to the school to pick up Brady.

Fridays can be crafty. Some Fridays are craft-fests. I have been seen on many occasions hauling the girls to Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's, and Michael's all on the same day picking up craft supplies. Then often times, we return to the house with literally one minute to spare to get Brady.

Fridays can be for playdates. You may sometimes find us meeting at the mall for lunch. But...with school in session - that is just not as often.

I love Fridays in the summer. During this time of the year - I get my 3 cuties all day with me at home. Playdates are waaay more frequent and include lots of cousins and girl talk.

If you ask Brady what is my favorite day - he knows that without a doubt, Fridays are my very favorite. It's the day I feel most like a mother. Certainly special.

Thank you Fridays - you certainly put in perspective what is truly important in life. Motherhood.

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