BEFORE you start laughing hysterically (STOP IT!! if you already have) -
I will have you know it was awesome!!Geeky? Sometimes.
Fun? Absolutely.
Repeatable? Definitely.

There was a bit of drama - slash - p.o.'d-ness before we left.
You see...we were all set to meet Alice (Ashley Greene), and Emmett (Kellan Lutz), and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone).
Well...Thursday, just 1 day before the convention - they all cancelled.
I know. So NOT cool! But, honestly - it's not their fault. They are up in Vancouver for Eclipse "fight training." Yes...why did Creation plan the event this very weekend knowing when filming was scheduled. lieu of a smaller group of "bigger" guests, they provided a larger group of "medium" guests. And they were SO MUCH FUN!
Weekend Highs and Lows:
- Friday - Cori, My Mom, and I left around 4:30pm-ish
- Pit stop to Circle K to fill the cooler with some beverages for the weekend
- Checked into the Wigwam on the west side of town
- Beverages
- Registered into the convention
- Q&A sessions with cast...Catherine Hardwicke, Edi Gathegi, Gil Birmingham, Michael Welch, Alex Meraz, Chaske Spencer, Justin Chon, and Christian Serratos.
- Beverages
- Photo Ops with Cast...we were sneaky ('s a secret)
- Poolside appetizers and beverages
- Vendor browsing
- Wigwam Shade cocktails - HIGHLY recommended
- Twilight Trivia - No winning for us
- Autographs
- Beverages
- Twilight spoof films - F-U-N-N-Y!
- Directing people to the beverages
- Make a Wish Foundation charity breakfast (best part of the event!!)
- Silent Auctions for Make a Wish....go MOM!
- Vegemite and Australian friends
- Smokin' with the celebs - well...I don't smoke, but I was out with the smokers
1. Were there some strange peeps in attendance? Ohhhhhh Yeah - people watching made for some excellent entertainment. Oh...and I seem to attract them all!
2. Did people dress up? Mainly just at the vampire ball.
3. Wait...there was a vampire ball? Yes. We did not purchase tickets - but...we crashed it for a few minutes on the way to the pool.
4. Did people dress up at this so-called ball? Ohhhhh Yeah - prom dresses, was exactly what you would imagine. So...we quickly left in our swimsuit cover-ups and headed to the pool, beverages and all.
5. Was Robsten there? I can imagine the SWAT team would have needed to be called out to protect.
6. Did Jessica act like a crazed fan?, not crazed. But, definitely jaw-dropping, stunned and speechless.
7. Did we mingle with the celebs? Yes...outside smoking - it always seemed to be just us and them.
8. Were we the oldest ones at the convention? No way! I'd say right in the middle. There were a lot of young girls with their moms, teens with their moms, and groups of friends in their 20's, 30's, 40's, etc.
9. Were there any men? Yes. I'd say around 50-or so. They're called "Twi Guys." Cute, huh?
10. Did I purchase anything? Yes...a baseball style t-shirt reflecting Team Vampire and an organic lip gloss made by a group of Utah ladies with a vendor table. LOVE IT!
Overall, Girls' Weekend was SUPER Awesome!! The resort, the convention, the beverages, the gossiping, the beverage-run, the late-night swimming.......everything was F-U-N, FUN!
1 comment:
Team Edward all the way! Woot woot!
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