Dear Osborns....

Thank you SO VERY MUCH for allowing us to bust in and pretty much take over your home for the last week. We had the BEST time EVER!
I think the kids really got along great. Don't you? Just a bit of fighting. But, boys will be boys...right?? It was good for Brady to get some real "boys" time...he doesn't get that too often over here with Bugs.
I hope Buddy isn't moping around too much. I know that Lil sure misses him. Today she saw a picture of her and Buddy...she lit up immediately. But, no...we won't need you to send him our way - we are much better with doggy visits than as doggy parents.
CO was definitely nice and certainly much cooler than our heat zone in AZ. We have pretty much lived in our pool since returning. Thankfully it is still refreshing and not bath water...well, not yet anyways.
We loved visiting Red Rocks, Estes Park, the Stanley Hotel, the Denver Children's Museum, Coors Field, and of course, Hayden's t-ball game. We did so much - the week just flew by too rapidly.
I'll have you know the drive wasn't too bad. The kids were surprisingly well-behaved. I would even consider using the term - phenomenal. This is amazing - especially considering Lily hates freeways...even when just driving the short 25 minute drive to Scottsdale. I would say that we much preferred the drive from late afternoon through 3am vs. leaving at 2am and arriving at dinnertime. Even with such well-behaved children, (it's amazing that I can use that term to describe MY children with a long-distance road trip) we are leaning towards a preference for a short hop, skip, and jump plane flight. But...the cost savings of driving was much more than even anticipated - so that is always a bonus!
We sure missed you guys - it was so nice to have such a nice, relaxing visit. We hope to see all of you very soon. Feel free to use our home just as we used your own. We don't have much room - but, we'll just kick the kids out of their rooms - set up the pop-up bed (which they prefer anyway)'ve got a two-room suite just like that.
We love you all very much - you're the best!
Thanks again!!
The Campbell's

You're Welcome!!!!! Justin and I along with the boys LOVED every minute of you being here. Last night we were all talking about how we wished it was still last week. Hayden keeps asking when are we going to AZ?
We sure did have a few(ok a lot) of laughs. Bryan...thank you for that!! I learned that AZ has a "Churro" store and I never new it. Hahahahah :)
We love you all and can't wait to have another vacation together.
Dude - thanks for the funny note!! :) I am now hysterically laughing about the churro store. That deserves a post of it's very own. I'm sure Brad would love it!
This is great! I'm so glad that I've opened the door of this story to you all! Welcome!
I'm so excited to hear that there will be an entire blog dedicated to this story! Knowing so, I have awkward feelings knowing that the story won't be complete. Won't be complete without an important piece to this amazing story. An actual picture of the "churro store" is a MUST for this blog and I would love to assist in getting this to you Dawn to complete the story.
It puts a smile on my face to learn about how hard others have laughed after hearing this story!
BTruran...we definitely need a picture. I'll prepare the blog - you get the picture. It will be a combined effort!
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