This very well may not seem like a big deal. But, I've grown very quickly accustomed to editing my photos. I like editing my photos. And, now.....well.....I can't.
It's sad.
Editing software is pricey. It's a heck of a lot less if you are a student or a teaching professional. Does former adult corporate trainer count? Nope, it doesn't. So....while I am in the process of purchasing myself an editing software....I don't have it yet. And, my photos just aren't the same.
I have sooooooooo much to blog about:
- the Royal Wedding.
- Princess Lily and Princess Kate.
- My love for British Hats (seriously).
- Mother's Day.
- Mother's Day Family Pictures.
- Milk and Cookies Party Planning.
- End of School-itis that even my 1st grader is suffering from.
- Sharlie vs. Charlie.
- Brady's obsession with squinkies and how he is the squinkie godfather at school.
- Lily's sudden need to practice her dance recital routine all.the.time. (not sure its helping:) )
- Charlie's adorable facials and eye squints....and her bobble head dance moves.
- And...not to mention some other topics that I have typed into my phone so that I don't forget.
I doesn't even make sense. But, that's how I feel.
Here's a (yes, unedited) picture of Lily and Jakey.
I.Love.this one. Unedited and all.
about time! And I love the picture of our twins!
I know - they are so dang cute!
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