She is cutie #1's godmother.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
26 Candles
She is cutie #1's godmother.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Athletic? So Sure
My mom was an all-star softball player. In her younger years she was part of a traveling it was in the genes to be rather good. The pressure was on - but I loved it.
Luckily, I joined a great team of girls that were all just starting off, too. The first year...I can't say I was that good - in fact...I'd say I was pretty bad. Our team, Brennan's Babes (yes, that was our name) stayed together for the next several years and we only got better and better.
Those years are a part of my life that I never want to forget. I loved softball - and most of the time, I was pretty good.
For the last few years of my playing, I was a pitcher. I seemed to have been given my mother's gift of softball - well, not as good - but, still pretty good. I could field, pitch and hit relatively well. I definitely wasn't your power hitter, but I could be counted on for a single or double.
When I reached high school - I stopped playing and traded in my glove for a cheerleading uniform. I loved cheerleading - and yes, I still think it's a sport. But...someone definitely should have told me I couldn't get a scholarship for cheerleading - maybe I wouldn't have quit softball so quickly.
Seeing that I have been out of high school since 1997 - I guess it has been a good 15+ years since I have played softball.
But, it's like riding a bike right?
This weekend, my awesome employer rented out the Scottsdale Stadium for a team building event of softball. It was super fun. We all persuaded our spouses and (older) children to join in on the fun. We had 2 teams of around 15 - coed.
The Hottie and I, of course, jumped in on the fun. And, fun it was.
I did not have a glove - so luckily my brother lent me his glove. I really meant to hit the batting cages beforehand...but, you know how that goes. We arrived early to toss a few. And boy...did I ever need it.
I am not quite sure what happened to me. I can still catch - thank goodness. My hitting is okay - definitely not great, but at least I was able to make connection. But, sheeeeeesh-ka-bobs...throwing. Ugh. To say I "throw like a girl" is giving me too much credit. I think Brady can throw better than I can. Luckily, the hottie was willing turn our "toss a few" into "toss a ton." I was starting to somewhat get the hang of it at the end of our practice. But, still - it was em-barr-a-ssing!!!
I used to think I was athletic. Now I'm starting to think I was fooling myself. Was I ever really a softball player? I have the memories...but, were they dreams? Nope - I have the pictures to prove it also. Hmm...what happened??
I have NO IDEA!! I have vowed to join a co-ed team ASAP...any takers? Hopefully, I can recruit some of the fam to join in on the fun. I have to get myself back into the athletic gear. I have told the hottie we need to get me a glove and practice. And...I'm serious!!
Needless to say - the game was super fun and I really hope to do something of that sort again in the future. Our team did get our tushies kicked - but, it was all in good fun anyways. Bryan did get a home run and he couldn't have been more excited. Me - I was 0 for 2. No strikeouts, though - so I was okay with it. It was 90 feet to 1st base...enough said!
Moral of this story = You do lose it if you don't use it.
p.s. - it's the day after...and I'm sore. from throwing a softball. W-I-M-P, WIMP!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Does Easy Really Mean Easy?
Many, Many moons ago...I begged and begged for none other than a sewing machine.
Why, You ask?
I have this dream of being homemaker-y. Yes, I do love my job. Yes, I do have to work. Yes, I do want to work. But...I still, in some ways, want that Leave it to Beaver picture.
For Brady's baby shower - one of my longtime, very good friends sewed me some baby blankets. They were adorable. Nothing fancy. Not perfect. Just super special and rather cute. I then decided - I shall sew.
That was over 5 years ago.
Right after Brady was born, the Hottie gifted me my very own sewing machine. To say I was excited was an understatement. I quickly opened the sewing machine and began dreaming of the masterpieces I would soon create.
The thing I didn't realize was this...sewing is a talent, it is a skill - you CANNOT be gifted a sewing machine and automatically have the ability to sew. You may have the machine - but, you must also have the knowledge and skill to use such machine. And...I did NOT have said knowledge and skill.
My sewing machine - the beautiful wanted appliance, sat.
And sat.
And sat.
For Brady's 1st Halloween - I was determined to put this machine to use. I was able to coerce my friend Stacy into helping me (making me) a costume for Brady. Not only did she "help" me, but I stole her costume idea. Brady was a baseball - and I must say...we (and I use that word loosely) we made a heck of a costume.

Following the one-time usage of the sewing machine. I carefully packaged the machine back up and gently placed it within it's very own carry case.
We moved soon after.
The machine moved with us and was given it's very own home in one of the garage cabinets.
The machine sat.
And sat.
And sat.
For years. Literally years.
My hopes of the homemaker-ness never dwindled - but, my faith in myself did.
Recently, I have been doing a lot of blogging, and etsy browsing. People all over sew. They are crafty. They make things. I wanted that, too.
I remembered my carefully packaged sewing machine sitting ever so gently in it's very own garage cabinet. I was determined to make a go of it.
I began to browse the fabric and patterns at Walmart. Did you know Walmart even carried such items?I started off thinking I would make Lil and myself a matching dress/skirt combo. I couldn't get ahead of myself. I would start basic. I found a cheap, yet cute pattern for what seemed to be a simple toddler dress pattern. The pattern even said - *easy.
I brought home my hopeful supplies.
They sat.
But, only for 1 short month.
Finally, one night I decided it was time to tackle the machine. I called out to Bryan, "Can you get me my sewing machine from the garage?"
He almost fell over in hysterics.
"I'm serious. I am going to sew Lily a dress." I fumed.
As the hottie grabbed the sewing machine (while laughing, of course) I set up a small card table. I grabbed my cute little sewing kit, the pattern, the fabric, and the iron/ironing board. Since I had already washed the fabric - I decided I should iron out all the wrinkles.
I figured a couple hours maximum - the pattern says *easy, right?
I opened the pattern. I was dumbfounded.
Wrong side?
Right side?
Different stitches?
I took a deep breath and read through the directions multiple times. I cut out the pattern pieces. I ironed them. I pinned them. I cut the fabric. I ironed again. I was ready to sew.
Wait...oops...I had no idea how to use the machine. Yes, I had dusted it off, and cleaned it even. I made the cute little card table into a sewing center. I had all the needed supplies. Yet, I had no idea how to use the machine.
No worries. The machine has an instruction booklet and a video. No time for the video - the hottie was watching TV. And...we don't even have a VHS player - so it really was no good anyway. I read through the instruction manual - and actually easily understood what I was reading.
I was getting it!! I beamed.
I began to sew.
The first few steps were *easy. Then, I got stuck. Baste/gather/slip-stitch? I had no clue what I was doing. I ran to the computer - thank goodness for youtube...I watched some videos on different stitches and seams and sewing methods.
I continued sewing. Around 3am - I was only 1/3 of the way done. I had been working on this *easy dress for 6 hours now.
I gave up for the evening and went to sleep.
The following day - I took another stab at the *easy dress. I worked for a good 4 hours. Sewing. Making mistakes. Watching youtube. Ripping seams. Trying again. Sweating. Crying. Laughing.
I gave up and played with the cuties.
Day 3 - one last try. More sewing. More youtube. More mistakes. More ripping of the seams. More attempts. It was finally coming together.
Finally, I was done. I had completed the *easy dress. And, it looked rather good. Not perfect. But good. I didn't care - I was just glad to be done. This *easy dress had taken me 3 days. Over 12 hours.
I ironed it (again). I hung it in Lil's closet. I had to find the perfect time for her to wear it. As a working mom, the best outfits I like to save for the weekends. This way - I get to enjoy them, too. Is that weird?
Finally, this past Sunday - the hottie's birthday - I proudly dressed Lily in her *easy dress. It looked good. Not perfect. But good. I was proud.
We celebrated the birthday at Bryan's Sunday night softball game. The whole fam was there. I showed off my masterpiece and explained the difficulty of the *easy dress. No one even noticed the minor flaws, or rigging I had to invent to complete the dress.
As we left the ballpark that evening - I re-thought my decision on choosing this day for the *easy dress reveal. It was filthy. Stained with popsicle, candy, and orange dirt that did not in any way coordinate with the fabric.
Oh well, I can now say that I sew. I may not be speedy or down with the seamstress lingo or perfect. But, I can do it. Sewing is a skill. One that takes practice. And studying. And lessons. And patience. And a new language.
*Easy definitely doesn't mean easy to everyone.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Where am I???
Here are some hints.
Any Guesses???
Yep - in Good ol'
In the meantime - tonight I'll be exploring. Hopefully we get out of work with enough time to see some of Austin in the daylight.
I've heard if you're gonna live in Texas - Austin is the only place to do it. I've been to Houston...and so far, I agree!! Austin = waaaay better! No offense Houston - I know a lot of people that struggle with Phoenix, too. Not everyone can be desert rats like me.
See ya'll later!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Look Who's 32!!
Weird. You kind of just grow together like time never existed before. Oops...sorry to digress - this post is supposed to be about the Hottie.
Back to the Birthday Boy...32!!! Wow. And, I thought I was old...JUST KIDDING! I only say that because he is feeling a bit anxious about getting towards the mid-30's. I keep telling him I remember when my parents were 32...I don't think that is helping one bit.
Reasons Bryan is DEFINITELY not old:
We plan on celebrating the big 3-2 by eating with the whole family at Big League Dreams prior to the 6pm game. I don't think it could be any better of a birthday for him:
Weekend - No work
All Bryan's favorite things. The only thing that would make this better is if the weather was warm enough for him to take a "summer shower" after the games. Or, maybe if he was playing at Fenway vs. Big League Dreams.
Happy Birthday Babe!! Enjoy your day!!
Repeat After Me: 32 is not old. 32 is not old. 32 is not old. 32 is not old.
It works for me!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What are Band Aids Really??
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What's Been Going On???
I am fascinated by the author. Twilight was her first book - she dreamt about a scene in the book, woke up - and turned it into a novel. 4 books later...she had a series. To only be so creative....
My vote is for Adam Lambert. Pure brilliance.
Don't know who he is? Watch this.
The Blue Family
Happy Easter!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I've Got a Problem...
Remember this and this?
I'm addicted. Exactly why I do not read many books...let alone a series of books.
As I type this, I have just finished book 1 in the Twilight series. Yes...I purchased this book yesterday from good old Walmart. I excitedly read almost 300 pages late into the night on Wednesday...or should I say early into Thursday morning. Laughing. Crying. Frightened. Excited. That was me throughout the book. Jessica told me it would be that way...she knows my reading style. She said I would have all 4 completed within 1-2 weeks. And, now...I am sure she will be right. Tonight, I finished the book.
Yes, all 500 pages. Done. Finished. Finito.
I even read the sneak peak that was included for the 2nd book, New Moon. Sheesh...I wish I hadn't. I am literally forcing myself to type this post and then turn in for the night, rather than mosey on up to the 24-hour Walmart to pick it up.
Crazy? Yep.
This is why I don't read...much. I become obsessive.
At the Twilight party I reluctantly attended last weekend, I was reminded of Jessica's tween love for the Sweet Valley High books. Do you remember those? My love for those books was no different. I would stay a weekend with Jessica and we would read. Seriously. Maybe we'd get through a couple books a day.
Obsessive? Exactly.
So, what did I think about Twilight?
Once I complete this series - I'll be taking a break from reading. I'd been contemplating a book club. It seems many people I know are involved book clubs I could join. My blogging friend, Em, started one a while back. I was thinking of partaking in a virtual book club.Easy read? = Yes.
Interesting? = No doubt.
Scary? = At Times.
Comical? = Yes, it had that, too.
Love Story? = Absolutely.
For Teenie Boppers only? = No way.
Is Bella crazy for loving Edward? = Weirdly, No.
Should I have read the series long ago? = Yes.
Do I still think it is strange that people I know of all ages and gender also read this series? = Definitely Not. And, I sincerely apologize for previously laughing at them for their choice of books/movies.
Sorry you can see - I've got issues with reading. I love it so, but once I start, I just cannot stop. Hmmm...I guess kind of like what Edward Cullen fears?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Happy...
is my Father-in-Law's Birthday!!!This is Glen.
We miss him tremendously.
Remember when he was just here? And, he seemed to kick Bryan into full gear around the house? Well...I need him back. I've got a list of chores for Bryan and he doesn't want to start them. I'm even want to help out!!
Glen loves Filibertos. But, he only gets it when he visits AZ.4.
Glen makes birdhouses. We're always telling him he should sell them.5. Glen still has the pickup truck that Bryan once purchased - long before I even knew him.
Happy Birthday Glen!!
p.s. Bryan says Happy Birthday you grungy wienie.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I'm on the Wagon
I'd never read the books.
Everywhere I turned...people were obsessed. Men, women, teens, co-workers, family, friends...everyone.
I figured it was similar to Lord of the Rings. And, I totally was not even interested in that. Thinking about it, I did like the Harry Potter movies (never read any of the books) but, I wouldn't say it was the best thing ever. Someone should have told me Twilight is a total "Dawn" movie.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Old Roomies
You get 4 girls together in small living spaces, and things are bound to be crazy.
I came from a family of 2 sisters and a brother. I was used to fighting, followed by immediate laughter. That's what siblings do, right? That's what it was like in the apartment. Loud, Crazy, Fun, a bit of Fighting, and lots and lots of laughter.In one room, Gina and I slept in futon bunk beds.
Yes...futon bunk beds. In the other room, Nancy and Michelle each had their own real bed. Just like siblings, we often all bunked together and shared stories late into the night.Kind of seems like yesterday, while at the same time light years ago. In all reality, it's been over 10 years since those cramped bunk days. We're all grown...reaching the milestone 3-0 and still taking time out to see each other.
I like to think we'll forever be friends.
Here's a recent snapshot taken about a week ago for Gina's birthday. Michelle had to leave early...but, here's Nancy, Gina, and Me.