Janea Charise Harris
Born: Phoenix, AZ
Currently Resides:
Gilbert, AZMarried: for 10 years (can I get a woop, woop!!) to Christopher Harris
Kids: 4 girls - Brinley (8), Emma (5), Clara (3), and Aften (9 mo.)
Favorite Food: Mexican
Hobbies: Shopping and making necklaces
Favorite Childhood Memory: Vacations with my dad to San Jose, CA
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Thing About Yourself: I am very kind and non-judgmental
Favorite TV: So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, The Bachelor
Books: Twilight and Breaking Dawn
World's Biggest Problem: Government is involved with everything!
Biggest Challenge: Brinley, Emma, Clara
Describe Yourself in One Word: Stressed
Hopes for the Future: That my kids will have pleasant memories of their childhood
Dream Job: Judge for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

Person You Admire Most: Emily...she is never ever stressed
3 Wishes: A baby boy, a lower house payment, and that I could be more forgiving
You are Most Happy When: I am on a vacation in a tropical place, laying on the beach, with no cares in the world.
Favorite Animal: Definitely Cats
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Fictional Character: Edward Cullen

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