In reflecting back over 2008 - these events stand out:
- Lily turning 1 with a "jumping" princess bash followed by the typical poker party late into the A.M.
- Lily FINALLY walking.
- Brady turning 4 by foregoing a party and instead joining the Babcock's for a weekend at Disneyland.
- Learning, understanding, and following a budget.
- Softball and me as the biggest (or most obnoxiously loud) fan.
- My "chef-skills" in the early stages...and my love of the apron.
- Disneyland - here we come!!
- Mike & Cori Wedding - Jouas, established April 25, 2008 - woo hoo!!
- 10 day vacation to Connecticut - thanks Glen & Marie...we had a blast!
- The birth of Babe Lincoln - cutie pants!
- AZ Grand Hotel - Oasis waterpark and fireworks for the 4th...and a million people in one hotel room.
- Finding the perfect home for Abby.
- Brady beginning his school days as a "Pre-K All Star"... as he would say.
- Boys Weekends vs. Girls Weekends - it's not a contest!
- The birth of my blog - I'm now lost without my journaling.
- The transition to a new religion - the introduction of church to the Cuties.
- Halloween at the Babcock's - have you ever gone trick-or-treating with over 30 people?
- The election - history made.
- Thanksgiving at Aunt Karen's - and authoring the prayer.
- Girl's Spa Weekend for my mom's 50th - best weekend ever!
- Holiday lights at their finest.
- Light Rail Rides are not recommended on the "free" days
- New Years Slumber Parties...is that what happens when the little ones begin to take over?
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