Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Funny Now - But, Not So Funny At The Time

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Not Again...
Well, this isn't exactly how it happened to us...
but, you get the picture.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I don't know if you remember,
I do not remember Adam or Kris
Tuesday night of competition...
Tonight's finale:
- you ask?July = AI concert
Yes, seriously
.I think I turned 13 in February
Back to the show.
L-O-V-E-D it!
And...thanks Dad!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Kindergarten - We're Coming!!
No big deal, right?
Of course, Nanny was there shedding tears.
As Mrs. Allison handed out the diplomas - she introduced each child giving a brief rundown about their likes/dreams. For example - "she loves to help her mom, she is good at coloring, and when she grows up she wants to be a dentist."
For Brady's description - it went down something like this: "Brady loves to play baseball. He is best at hitting baseballs. Baseball is his favorite. And, when he grows up, he wants to be a baseball player."
Could we have expected anything different? I think not.
Some of the cutest of the morning were:
Sooo adorable.
Congrats Brady - we officially have a Kindergartner in our house!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lots of Birthdays this Week!!
More Mean Girls vs. HSM

Monday, May 11, 2009
Do I Have the Best, Or What?
For Mother's Day he put together a collaboration of my blog postings of the cuties. He created a spreadsheet (of course), along with a powerpoint presentation to introduce each post, and had it all bound together into a book of Mommy Memories.
Sunday morning I woke up to Brady and Lily coloring me a picture at the kitchen counter. Brady sees me and says, "Hi Mom. We're not coloring you a picture."
Too cute.
He definitely knows me.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
She showed me the importance of fun, friends, and most of all, family.
I love you Mom!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
D-Back Fun
Luckily we were gifted 4 great 3rd base seats.
You know, the ones right in the way of any foul line drives.
No worries - we didn't catch anything - although the very first foul of the entire game was caught by a fan about 4 row in front of us.
The cuties were surprisingly good.
Of course, no game is complete without some diamondback dogs.
Chase field has a thing called the Value Menu.
Diamondback dogs - the size of normal store hot dogs - for $1.50.
Of course the Hottie needed more than just one.
Understandable...they are small.
Later we snacked on some kettle corn.
The cuties were really good.Did I already say that?
I just can't get over it.
They were very well behaved.
Brady - we expect it - he loves baseball.
But, for Lil - this was her very first MLB game.
She loved it.
Not really the "watch baseball" part.
But, the whole experience - seats, game, food, people, fun.
As for Brady - he could live at a ballpark.
He loves baseball.
If you ask him - what do you want to be when you grow up?
Hands down answer - "a baseball player."
When you ask him - what position?
His reply - all of 'em.
I'll try to give other suggestions of careers...you know,
pro-sports is a tough, competitive field.
I'll say - how about a doctor, lawyer, teacher, astronaut, mailman, etc?
He always answers - no, I want to be a baseball player.
You can't say he isn't passionate.
The fact that he knows an MLB player...well, that only makes him want it more.
So - look out Red Sox...I see an aspiring player coming your way.
What Does He Really Think?
It was so cute.
It was obvious how much they practiced.
They sang many songs about their love for their parents and grandparents.
Brady...has no problem with stage fright.
I think he craves it.
He was one of the...should I say...most boisterous of all.
Brady's interview was around the middle of the program. So...I had plenty of time to hear other interviews and rack up enough nerves about what would be said about me. Many kids had talked about their moms and dads loving the computer, apples, salads, working, video games such as Kill Zone (which was funny). All I was thinking about was the Everyone Loves Raymond episode in which one of the twins wrote a story that was read aloud during open house describing "The Angry Family." I was only thinking what kind of therapy would we all need. Needless to say, no worries needed.
Have I mentioned how I love Brady's Pre-K? Yep...many times. 2 years from now - I hope Lily will be in the same class with the same teacher. Is she tough? Yep. Is she strict? Yep. Is she knowledgeable? Yep. Is she loving? Yep. Has she increased Brady's skill? Without a doubt.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Forgotten Camera
Lately...I haven't been taking many pictures.
I think I'm in a photo rut.
Maybe because I need to download the pictures to Costco.
Maybe it's because we really haven't been doing anything too exciting.Maybe it's because I'm lazy.
It really could be any of those reasons.
We haven't been there in 4-ever.Seriously.
I love Costco.
I'll have to go Friday.
I need to clear some space out on my SD Card.
We have extras - but, I've got my favorite.And, we have a "family date" planned for Friday night.
Diamondbacks game followed by fireworks.
All 4 of us.
We're hoping to make it through the fireworks.
That all depends on Bugs.Can she make it?
I foresee lots of snacks in our future.
Lots of walks around Chase.
And hopefully, only a little of crying.
Oooh...I forgot the best part.
Free tickets = AWESOME.
As I was browsing my SD Card...I picked 3 favorites:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo reminds of Mexico...duh, of course.
Mexico reminds me of Rocky Point.
Rocky Point reminds me of:
1) Sandy Beach.
2) Camping out on the beach - who needs a hotel?
3) Warm ocean water.
4) Shelled beaches.
5) Early morning reefs.
6) Riding quads all day and night.
7) Cookouts.
8) The fish market.
9) Glass-bottled sodas.
10) Bartering.
11) Buying Mexican blankets.
12) The Mexican Hat Dance.
13) JJ's Cantina.
16) Basically, many years of my childhood.
Those were the days.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A We Miss You Letter
We hope you are having fun on your Boys Weekend. You know...doing all the boy-type stuff you don't get to do everyday.
We have not been too busy - a lunch play date, shopping, birthday parties, dinner with Robin and Lincoln, visiting with Nanny and Poppy, baths, and story times. It has been rather relaxing.
Of course, we miss you greatly. Several times a day at least one of the cuties will ask if you come home today or tomorrow. Brady is a bit sad that this is a "boys trip," yet he was not able to join in on the fun. No worries - I promised him when he gets older...
Enjoy the rest of your trip. Be all boy-y...if you know what I mean. We'll see you tomorrow afternoon when you enter back into the land of reality and boys weekend is over. Happy and sad all at the same time. Isn't that what the ending of vacations are always? Happy to be home, yet sad that the fun has come to an end.
We'll leave you with a picture of what you have missed:

As you can see...same old. same old.
We love you. We miss you. We hope you are having the best time EVER!
Me and the Cuties
p.s. I've been reading a lot.Friday, May 1, 2009
This week, these boys, along with their parents trekked along to their old hometown from their new hometown....but just for a visit. We planned for the weather to be perfect - luckily Mother Nature was willing to oblige.
With sad hearts, we said goodbye last night - as their return trip began very, very early this morning.
We already miss them.
Sometimes, don't you wish visits wouldn't end?