Friday started off with our first parent-teacher conference for Brady. Who would have thought they have such things in Pre-K? Well...we learned that Brady is a "model" student. I thought they were talking about another child. But, we did have Brady with us, so they couldn't get the child wrong. We knew he was pretty smart (almost OCD about some things) - but, well behaved, too?? Who is this kid...not our permanent time-out kid Brady. I guess it is true - kids are so much better behaved when their parents are not around. I guess we'll have Brady move out until college - JUST KIDDING.

Friday night we had a Halloween party to attend. We struggled with costumes and to make a VERY LONG STORY short, I ended up going alone as a nurse - thanks MOM for the costume!
Saturday was SUPER busy. Hope for Nie garage sale in the morning 8am - click here for more information on Stephanie Nielson. 9:45am - the cuties had flu shots. With Lily's asthma we all know how important these shots can be. We prepped Brady for days...he was actually kind of excited to get a shot. But, he told everyone - "just one, I'm just getting one shot." Turns out, he didn't even need a shot - he got a nose spray vaccine. Lily - didn't even cry...but, she did give the "evil eye" to the nurse. Uncle Brett and the daddy say it's a Majercin trait - but, I don't see that at all!! :) 11am - Brady's t-ball game. For those of you that were worried about Brady and his OCD problem with getting dirty. Here is proof that he is a boy - he loves to play hard, roll around in the dirt and be a boy. He also loves sliding at his t-ball game. He is rather fast and we had to teach him that it is not appropriate to pass other kids when running the bases. Here's a video of our "sliding" t-ball player:
When you ask him who taught him to slide - he says "Mark does it all the time at Daddy's softball game." So...thanks Mark!! 5:30pm - drop the kids off at the Truran's for babysitting and we're off to not 1, but 2 different 30th birthday parties., but crazy.
Jessica - my cousin turns 30 on October 30. Golden birthday and 30th birthday all at once. Her husband had planned a surprise party for her - and boy was she surprised. Her look is priceless. Here are some pictures from the shindig. I was camera happy!

Jessica - my cousin turns 30 on October 30. Golden birthday and 30th birthday all at once. Her husband had planned a surprise party for her - and boy was she surprised. Her look is priceless. Here are some pictures from the shindig. I was camera happy!
After this party - we were off to the next 30th birthday. Aaron - my cousin Robin's boyfriend turned 30, also. We didn't get to the party until later, but did get to have a bit of fun...and played a little flippy cup. Unfortunately, I was on the losing team - how did that happen?? Overall the parties were fun...ended with a little bit of drama, wouldn't be a Pasquel party without some drama. That's the fun of having a BIG and GIGANTIC family...crazy, fun, drama, and no matter what we are ALWAYS there for each other!
Sunday - church...yep, I'm a church goer now and I love it. I had to do my time at the nursery this month so that the cuties can continue to enjoy nursery time while I enjoy church. So...needless to say, they stayed at home with the daddy while I went to church and volunteered in the nursery. The day ended with our "Sunday night dinners" at the 'rents house and of course...softball.
Busy weekend - super crazy - super drama - SUPER FUN!
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