Last night was filled with the adorable voices of 40, 4 & 5 year-olds singing songs about Unity. It was absolutely adorable. How Mrs. Allison got all 40 kids to walk out in a single file line...quietly...and line up on the stage for about 30 minutes is beyond me. It was amazing and absolutely precious.
Brady had Mommy, Daddy, Lily, Nanny, Poppy, Aunt Cori and Aidyn there to cheer him on. We brought some cookies for the potluck - but, the group of us decided to fore go the potluck (there was a really, really, really long line) and gather together at Brady's favorite restaurant...Wendy's!!
The kids were so cute.
Did I mention I love his Pre-K class?
And...here's Daddy and Brady, hammin' it up after the performance...
Way to go buddy, you were awesome the other night. Love the goofy photo...where would you ever get that idea!
I can't believe Brady is in Pre K. Next year is the big K.
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