Saturday, January 31, 2009
Memory Card Full
Friday, January 30, 2009
I'll Huff and I'll Puff...
After - she had a pig craft fair set up which entailed:
1) Pig beanie bag races2) Create a piggie out of cups/foam/glue3) Create a piggie out of paper/paper plates/glue4) Create Three Little Pigs "craft stick" people5) Yummy Snacks
Guess who stood out?
This video was the quietest he was the entire song...even other parents commented on his...."ability" after the performace. Too funny!I Wanna Wear Pedroia....
Brady loves to match his Daddy and wear the same Red Sox shirt. He will often change his shirt to match whichever one his Daddy is wearing. This is the ONLY time Bryan will allow such coordination. You see, I bought them these matching hawaiian shorts last year...guess who refused to ever wear them?? Bryan. No worries, Brady didn't let it stop him from wearing the cute shorts...he loved them!
p.s....Brady is wearing the Pedroia shirt to bed tonight. He has patiently waited for me to finish washing it and he will be christening the shirt as jammies. (I'm weird and things have to be washed before worn.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Friendly Face Interview
I have known Julie for only about 1 1/2 years. She is one of my co-workers...but, also one of the most genuine and honest people I know. She truly cares about people and always makes them feel so special. And...she does have the very best purse/shoe collection I have ever seen....SERIOUSLY!
Born: August 7, 1982 in Great Falls, MT
Waking up without an alarm
Bikram Yoga
Breakfast with my husband – Eggs Benedict
Shoe shopping
The spa for a massage, facial, mani, & pedi
Lay by the pool and read a good book
Dinner at the Keg… crab and a filet mignon with a bottle of pinot grigio
Hobbies: I am addicted to Bikram Yoga - I'm doing a 30-day challenge right now so I feel like that is my only hobby at the moment. I'm also getting my Master's degree, so school is also a hobby right now. I also love the spa, the Seahawks, shopping, traveling, football games, music, laying out in the sun, the Washington Huskies, and hanging out with friends, family, and my dogs.

I Love My Husband because: He's a good cook, he's smart and he always has me questioning my views on particular issues, he makes me laugh, he shows pride in his accomplishments and supports me in my goals, he understands me, he takes pride in everything he has and everything he's done, he can finish my sentences, he's got good fashion sense, and he doesn't mind me spending a lot for a pair of shoes or a fancy handbag.

Marriage Advice: Respect each other, enjoy every moment, take time to appreciate each other, and don't take anything for granted.

World's Biggest Problem: Wow...where do I start? Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, failing economy, global warming, ethics/integrity, lack of racial tolerance and discrimination...
Read about Julie here on her new blog!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lions & Tigers & Bears - Oh My!
We started with a bit of lunch. We ate REALLY fast - due to a large number of bees flying all around. But, it sure made for some excitement!
I will say - this was one of the best times I can remember at the Phoenix Zoo. It was a perfect day to be out walking - perfect temperature, a nice breeze...and best of all - ALL the animals were out.
The kids had a blast. We even let Lily and Jake out of the strollers. I know - seriously! I don't think they could have been any more excited about that. Of course, we finished the zoo with a carousel ride.
This is what the kids looked like as we drove back home: are some of my favorites from the day:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Brady is 5!!!
So, in light of the special "one whole hand" birthday,here are 5 Things I Love About Brady:
He's a bit of a perfectionist - so, yes...I know that he is definitely my child.2.
He loves to snuggle. I'll take all I can get - I know this doesn't last forever.3.
He loves anything sport related - baseball, football, golf - so we know he is definitely Bryan's son, too.4.
He's all boy, yet he has a soft serious side, too.5.
He's really good at school...and saves the troublemaking for at home. There's nothing like the teacher telling me how great he is in school, especially when I've just put him in time-out for the gajillionth time. SERIOUSLY! :)Brady
, you made me and daddy parents and we are so thankful and proud to have you in our lives. You are a great big brother and Lily looks up to you - she wants to do everything you do (which is sometimes scary). We love you Buddy!! Haaaaaaappy Whole Hand Birthday!!Monday, January 26, 2009
Golf Anyone?
The Hottie LOVES golf!! Remember on his 30th birthday when all of us surprised him with brand spankin'-new golf clubs?? Well...guess what Brady got for his 5th birthday??
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It was just a small group - us 4, Cori, Mike & Aidyn, Ash, Ry, & Jake, Billy, and my parents. It was very low key, relaxing and fun. The kids actually LOVED it and were super well-behaved.
I know - SHOCKER!!
p.s...Brady would never have picked out pink cupcakes...but, you get what you get when you didn't order them or make them ahead of time.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Who Protects Who?
Anyways...ever since I was little, I always wanted a boy child first. I'm not sure why. Maybe it has to do with the protection an older brother could give...or maybe it's the cute friends possibility. Regardless, I always wanted a boy first.
While I was newly pregnant with Brady...we thought for sure it was a girl. I was wrong - and I had the first part of my childhood dream: A boy child first.
While pregnant with Lily...we thought for sure it was another boy. I was wrong again. Now I my complete childhood dream. Boy first, followed by a girl.
Wow - I was lucky!!
Protection? Brady does seem pretty protective...most of the time. As long as Lily is not stealing his toys. But was Lily who protected Brady. Here's how it all went down.
It's 5pm and we're waiting for Daddy to get home. The kids are getting restless...can you blame them? So was I!! Well...I thought - let's play a good ole game of Hide-N-Seek. The next 40 minutes were full of screams. laughter. more screams. more laughter. And, of course...lots and lots of counting.
The last round - my turn to hide. I hide in the hall bathroom tub, behind the curtain. Did I mention, I'm a really good hider? Well...I guess anybody is against a 2 and an (almost) 5 year-old. Oh...and...I had to literally book it like I've never run before because Lily is chasing me the second I leave the of course I'm panting...quietly.
Brady: 123456789, 10...Here I come. Mommy? Where aaaaaarrrrrre you?
Lily: Chuckling
Me: More panting
Brady: Mommy?
Brady runs down the hall, I can see him peek in the bathroom.
Brady: Nope. Not in the bathrooom.
Brady runs back down the hall.
Lily: Again, laughing standing at the bathroom...because she watched me run in there.
Brady: Mooooommmmmy?
Me: Brady & Lily...I'm in heeeeeeere!!
Brady runs back down the hall.
Brady: Mommy? Where are you?
Me: Silent
Lily: Still standing at the bathroom door.
Brady: Mommy...are you in the tub? Say Yes or No?
Me: Silently chuckling.
Lily: Chuckling loudly.
Brady: Lily...go look behind the curtain - see if Mommy's in the tub.
Lily walks to the curtain and pulls it back.
Me: Boo
All: Laughter..Screaming...Excitment
So...this leaves me with 2 questions:
1) Who will protect who?
2) Can it get any better than this?
Fresh and Clean
p.s. I don't have a "before" picture for you...because...well...that would have been gross!
p.p.s. I no longer have to wear slippers just because I hate the way the tile feels under my feet...but, I probably still will because I love slippers. :)
p.p.s. I got a really good deal - way less than my former tile/carpet cleaning know, the one that drives the yellow trucks.
Mother Load
Last night was Ladies Night Out!! And...we had a great time.
7 of us went to dinner at Los Olivos (my favorite...although it wasn't too great last night) and then over to the Scottsdale Center for the Arts for the one-woman show Mother Load. It was super cute and poked fun at the craziness of motherhood in today's world.Snapshots of us ladies.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My 100th Post
Most of all...blogging reminds me - of how much...
I Love Him
...Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bushy Bush
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm a Googler
Monday, January 19, 2009
Super Bowl Here We Come!!
Can you believe it?
The Cardinals are going to the Super Bowl.
What's makes this even better?
Brett...and his promised "tramp stamp" once the Cardinals WIN the Super Bowl.
Before the first playoff game - Brett made a deal...the Cardinals WIN the Super Bowl and he gets the infamous tramp stamp with a Cardinals logo.
Go Cardinals!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
You Can Do It, Dawn
One of my biggest fears...Mouth Injuries.
Toddlers are the worst. You know when a toddler is finding their walking legs for the first time how precious it is? The waddling, tip-toed adorableness is SO cute. Well, this cuteness comes with many falls. And...unfortunately, it seems that toddlers always lead with their head...therefore, many mouth injuries.
The other day Lily fell and bit her lip. She and I were alone in the house. There was blood. I took a deep breath, felt for the teeth - they were still there. Whew... I took a cold towel and instructed her to bite on it. I saw the blood (which by the way was NOT that much) and quickly took Lily to the couch...I was seeing stars. I had to sit down.
Last night, Cori called me. At first it sounded like there was excitement (maybe she won a big poker tournament online???). I was wrong. There was excitement...but, not that kind of excitement. Aidyn fell and her mouth was bleeding. There was a lot of blood. Cori and Aidyn were alone. I said I'd be right there.
Along the way - other than call my Cori - I talked to myself. This is what I repeated over and over again. "Dawn, you can do this. You can do mouth injuries." I am dead serious. I was giving myself a prep talk.
At the Majercin abode...Cori proved she was good in the emergency situation - she had it all under control. I was barely needed.'s always good to have a sister there for support, you know?
I'll never get over my fear of mouth injuries.
But, thank goodness for pep talks...they totally work!p.s. - I SOOOO love this picture. It was taken before the boo boo, obviously.Whoa...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friendly Face Interview
Born: August 18, 1973, in New London, CT
Currently Resides: Castle Rock, CO
For 13 years to Justin. He is such a wonderful husband and father.
Kids: 2 boys, AJ (age 9) and Hayden (age 4)
Favorite Holiday:
ThanksgivingFavorite Season:
FallFavorite TV:
Reality TV has become very are a few that I love: Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, American Idol, Survivor, HGTV and the Travel Channel.Hobbies:
My family and I have found a love for Geocaching. We were introduced to it 3 years ago from my mom and step dad (Thanks Mom!) and we just love it. Geocaching has allowed me, Justin and the boys to be very adventurous and to see places that we have never been. It's a great family hobby and spending time together...well, you just can't beat that. I also like to shop and be outdoors in the Rocky Mountains.Marriage Advice: I think communication is very important. With good communication all things are possible. Love each other and have patience.
World's Biggest Problem:
The government!!! Don't people realize that taking money from one set of people (that being the hardest workers) and giving to another set for any reason is just a definition of socialism. Oh great, we all know that it just doesn't work.Biggest Challenge:
Making it to the gym at least 4 days out of the week.Pet Peeves:
A messy house just drives me crazy and of course people who have a hard time saying "THANK YOU."Person You Admire Most:
The person I admire the most would be my Dad. My father is just the easiest going person I've ever known and he is always there to help me when I have needed it. He taught me how to play golf way back in the day and had a great "drying machine." I love you!!You are Happiest When:
On vacation with my family.Something Special and Close to Me:
That would be the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). I personally suffer with Type I Diabetes and have since the age of 18. I support the foundation as best and as much as I can because I am someone who benefits from the help of the foundation and new discoveries. For the past 3 years, I have been part of "JDRF Walk for the Cure," and raising more money than what I set for my goal. I have even recognition for what I have done. I was just approved for a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) which was funded by JDRF. This device will work with my insulin pump and keep track of my sugars at all times. I'm super excited - what a great step in the direction we need to be going in to find a cure.