Happy 50th Birthday to my Gorgeous Mother!!
50 Reasons why I love my Mother:
1. She is fun.
2. She is outgoing.
3. She is the best secret keeper.
4. She is as loud as me - sometimes even louder.
5. She was a crazy teenager - and understood me at my worst.
6. She tells it like it is.
7. She refuses to gossip.
8. She is the youngest of 7 kids and has a special relationship with all of them.
9. She married young, struggled, and made it.
10. She made a cake one year when I was 6 - we won the cake decorating contest with it.
11. She pursued her dream of nursing school.
12. She is NOT computer literate - but tries.
13. She plays sports - and she's good.
14. She was always the loud parent in the stands - and so am I.
15. She was cheering for us once, and jumped up into a hole in the dirt and broke her ankle...but, waited until the end of the game to worry about it.
16. She always put the kids first.
17. She made mistakes and apologized for them.
18. She knows it's okay to make mistakes - it part of life.
19. She took care of me when I was 17 and came home drunk...still don't remember.
20. She gave me 2 sisters and 1 brother - whom I love dearly.
21. She raised me surrounded by my huge, loud, crazy family.
22. She taught me family is first.
23. She can drink anyone under the table - I guarantee it.
24. She loves Ross and TJ Maxx - only special people can shop in those stores for literally 3 hours and still feel like they missed something.
25. She is super pretty - and doesn't even know it.
26. She is a great Nanny.
27. She is stubborn....just like me.
28. She makes the best French Dip - yummy!
29. She taught me to drive at a very early age.
30. She wants nothing more than to take her girls on a spa weekend for her 50th - yippee!
31. She is honest, caring, and genuine.
32. She always has an open room - and each one of us has used it at one time or another.
33. She gave me the most fun, fantastic, and beautiful wedding.
34. She takes the kids for walks in the stroller - to help them fall asleep.
35. She forgives.
36. She taught me how to be a mommy.
37. She taught me to have faith - and take what I need.
38. She is VERY emotional.
39. She loves being a Nanny.
40. She loves going to craft boutiques.
41. She lets me tag along.
42. She loves pedicures.
43. She lets me tag along to those, too.
44. She hosts Sunday night dinners every week.
45. She makes the yummiest snacks - rice crispy treats, brownies, etc.
46. She has been at the birth of every one of her grandkids.
47. She is an excellent birth coach.
48. She calls me on her way home...just to chat.
49. She is the best listener.
50. She is MY mom.

I cried when I read this. Everything is so true. What a wonderful way to celebrate such one of the world's most beautiful women.
Dawn: I posted my first response under Jake's by mistake. You made me cry also when I read this. I wish your mother would get on this blog and read all these wonderful things about her. She continues to be an inspiration to us all. She is one of a kind. God sure knew what he was doing when he made her. Aunt Karen.
Well Dawn this is my fourth time reading this and I cry everytime. I am still waiting for you to update this blog. Your mothers birthday was over yesterday. Get moving this blog is my only social life.
I cried as well reading this. I love MOM! She is the best Mom ever. She is everyones biggest cheerleader....yes you are close behind :)
I felt better about crying after I read everyone else's comments!! Happy Birthday Mom!! Love you
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