We've moved...about 95% done.
For those of you that don't know it...
I'm kind of a clean-freak, perfectionist.
A terrible combination.
Especially when moving.
Especially when pregnant.
Needless to say - I've been laxed on that combo.
Of course...we had the house cleaned.
Who wants to shower with other people's dirt?
The Hottie and lots of friends and family painted.
For days.
And days.
And days.
Thank goodness we did - it totally needed it.
And...it now feels like home.
Some touch-up is still needed.
And the bathroom paint.
We're living with blue tape on the walls still.
It's been over a week.
Weird how I've grown used to it.
Lil's room is pretty much done - just need the curtains hung.
Brades room is waiting on a new dresser and a free-standing closet.
Things we have yet to purchase (but are on the list)
Charlotte's room....waiting for the Hottie to put up the crib.
And, lots and lots of decorations.
No worries - the pack and play is at least in our room...
(even if it's not set up)
And, her clothes are washed and ready.
Even a few bottles and binkies.
The kitchen...pretty much done!!
The family room - waiting on the hanging of some decorations and blinds.
The formal living/dining...well...it's painted.
And there's boxes "neatly" placed in the corners...
until we decide what to do with them.
There's even a Queen sized bed up against the wall...
And...our room...well - lots of boxes.
Pictures waiting to be hung.
And touch up paint needed.
Before pregnancy - I think we would have been done on Day 1.
We're just like that.
My goal is by day 60.
I'll keep you posted.
Did I mention I'm preggo???
p.s. I forgot about the garage.
Ugh....the garage..........